1720 W Locust St.
Monday, February 10
Pastor Mary Martha blessing you today and this month of Black History celebration.
Yesterday we read from Luke 5. Familiar words—the first disciples are called by Jesus to leave behind some things and move forward to fish not only for fish, but now for people. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US is called to live a life that draws people to God. There is SO MUCH that draws us away from God. As the church, we are committed to cast the net of God’s love and mercy in a wide fashion, knowing that we have been caught into the love of God by grace alone. By grace alone. God bless you.
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Near Northside Strategy Meeting
12 noon
Monday, February 10
at Hephatha
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Youth Confirmation
5:00 pm
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Each week Mrs. Esther Brown, Hephatha's Counselor, provides tips on one page about how we can be better, kinder, and healthier.
Here are the last two tips she has provided. Consider checking out the new sheet every week. The sheet is posted on Monday. More TIPS can be found under "Our Ministries" then "Tips from Counselor".